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Python 3 Part 5 - Understanding dictionay data structure

 Understanding dictionary data structure

Table of content 


Dictionary is a key-value pair data structure. The key in the dictionary is unique and immutable. The values are mutable. Dictionaries are mutable data structure. 

Mutable Data-types --> list, dictionary, set and user-defined classes.
Immutable Data-types -->  int, float, decimal, bool, string, tuple and range.

How to define dictionary in Python

We define dictionary using curly brackets {}

We can index the key to access the values in dictionary. 

Modifying values in dictionary

Deleting key:value pair using del statement.


Adding new key-value pair to the dictionary.


Determining length of Dictionary and checking type of object

Dictionary Functions

1) dict.get(k) : returns the value based on the key passed.

2) dict.keys() : returns the list of keys present in the dictionary.

3) dict.values() : returns list of values present in the dictionary.

4) dict.clear() : removes all the item from dictionary.

5) dict.copy() : returns copy of dictionary.

6) dict.fromkeys(k,v) : returns the dictionary based on key-value provided passed.

7) dict.items() : returns list of tuple containing key-value pair.

8) dict.pop(k) : removes the key passed and returns value corresponding to it. Gives KeyError if key is not present in Dictionary. Pop is a fail fast method.

9) dict.update({k:v}): update the value based on the key provided. If key is not present in the dictionary, It will create new Key-Value Pair. The is a upsert operation.

10) dict.popitem() : returns and removes last added key-value pair as a tuple and gives KeyError if dictionary is empty.

11) dict.setdefault(k,v) : The setdefault() method returns the value of the item with the specified key.

Thank you folks. If you like this Python 3 post, please do checkout my other post on  Django with Python 3 series

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