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Python 3 Part 11 - Access specifier in Python 3 classes

Access specifier in Python 3 classes 

Table of content 

  1. Access specifiers
    • Public
    • Private
    • Protected
  2. Special methods

Access specifiers

There are three access specifier/modifiers

1. Public : By default the functions and the variables are all public in python.

Note: If there is no preceding _(Single underscore) or __ (Double underscore)

class MyClass:
class_variable = 10 #public variable
def my_method(self):
print("I am public method")

obj1 = MyClass()
obj2 = MyClass()



$ python3
I am public method
I am public method

2. Private

To define variable or method private to particular class we use __(Double UnderScore). Private members of class are only accessible within class. (Not in child class also)

class MyClass:
__class_variable = 10 # private variable declared using double underscore
def __my_method(self):
print("I am public method")

def print_class_variable(self):
print(self.__class_variable) # access private variable

obj1 = MyClass()
obj2 = MyClass()




$ python3
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/code/py/", line 14, in <module>
AttributeError: 'MyClass' object has no attribute 'class_variable'

Private members cannot be accessed through child class.

class MyClass:
__class_variable = 10        # private variable
def __my_method(self):
print("I am public method")

def print_class_variable(self):

class InheritedClass(MyClass):
def my_method2(self):
super().__my_method() # private method cannot be called in the child class

in_obj = InheritedClass()


$ python3
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/code/py/", line 14, in <module>
File "/Users/code/py/", line 11, in my_method2
super().__my_method() # as it is private method so we cannot call in the child class
AttributeError: 'super' object has no attribute '_InheritedClass__my_method'

3. Protected

Protected members are those members which can be accessed only within package or outside package through child class. To define protected class members we use _ (single underscore).

class MyClass:
_variable = 10 #protected variable
def _my_method(self):
print("I am public method")

def print_class_variable(self):

class InheritedClass(MyClass):
def my_method2(self):

in_obj = InheritedClass()

obj1 = MyClass() #can be accessed within same package


$ python3
I am public method

Special Methods/ Dunder Method/ Magic Methods

Methods which have __(Double underscore at start and at end) are special methods. ex: __add__(), __str__(), __init__()

Addition note:

Postfix single _ is used to avoid naming conflicts with python keywords. example, class is a keyword. But if I want to create a variable named class, I would use class_

Thank you folks, if you like my post do check my other posts on Django with Python 3 and Ruby on Rails  on SWE crunch

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