Computer stores everything in binary format. The process of converting a value into binary is called Encoding and the the process of converting value from binary is called Decoding. value --> binary :: Encoding binary --> value :: Decoding for example: A number 12 is stored in its binary format as below. 12 ---> 00001100 but how are the characters are stored? If we want to store a character 'a' what formatting should be used ? It easiest way is to map the characters to number and store the binary format of that number. So, the character 'a' is represented as number 97 is stored as 1100001. ASCII: In ASCII encoding format, 128 unique characters are identified and mapped with numbers (mostly English). One byte is used to represent all the characters. It uses 7 bits to represent numeric value 0 to 127 (total 128 characters). The most significant bit is a...
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